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Signature on white for website.png
mockup wall grebes.jpg
03.20 Tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) flaping wings.jpg


Birds are the most prevalent in my photography and that is due to their great diversity and availability. Birds can be found in much greater numbers than mammals, in all kinds of habitats, often right outside of my window. Discovering each species and studying each individual behavior is what attracts me to bird photography.

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in forest.jpg


Because we are closer related to them, mammals fascinate most of the people more than other animals do. I also share this fascination, so when I get a mammal in front of my lens the levels of excitement go trough the sky. I do not get many of those encounter because I get distracted by every bird in my path but with time I hope to increase my chances.

Typical Blues (Tribe Polyommatini).jpg


There is a whole universe to discover with the macro lens and I plan to do so. Insects can be found out in the wild, in your garden, even in your house and they play many important roles. I love discovering their diversity and roles and hope to inspire others to take a closer look.

Find many more photos and daily posts on the following social media sites: